Heading 2

The width of this column is set to be 250 pixels. To alter the width edit the style #holderdiv

You can add/ remove the text boxes in this column the easiest way to do this is in the code view of your favourite html editor. the code is commented to make this a simple procedure.


The Heading Styles

The styles used in this web page have been defined so things act as you'd expect, in a predictable, word-processor like manner. If you press return it just moves to the next line and doesn't create an uncontrollable space above or below.

To start a new paragraph then press Return twice.

To insert a divider apply the class .divider to a paragraph tag.

Carry on inserting text here...  now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country


The Traveller Themeset

This layout is a table free CSS design incorporating the elegance and fluidity only cascading style sheets can achieve.

The layout is designed to be 770 pixels wide, aligned centrally in the browser .

The font used throughout this theme is Georgia. The font is defined in the body style of this page. To change the font you need only edit the body style found within the head of each page.

For those not familiar with cascading style sheets, the style definitions found in the head of each page and are commented should you wish to edit any of the styles.


The paragraph styles used in this web page have been defined so things act as you'd expect, in a predictable, word-processor like manner. If you press return it just moves to the next line and doesn't create an uncontrollable space above or below. To start a new paragraph then press Return twice.


THE STYLES: Heading Style 3

The image to the left of the text in this layout have the class .left applied to them. This floats the image to the left of the text block and allows the text to wrap to the full column width below the image.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tatio


BULLETED LISTS: Heading Style 5 - spans the full page width

Webstyle creates appropriate bullet graphics, in keeping with the style and colors used on this page.